VEX Attribute Glossary - kunz
> //Greater than
< //Less than
>= //Greater than or equal to
<= //Less than or equal to
!= //Not equal to
== //Is equal to
&& //And
|| //Or
Channel Shortcut Syntax
ch('flt1'); // Float
chf('flt2'); // Float
chi('int'); // Integer
chv('vecparm'); // Vector 3
chp('quat'); // Vector 4 / Quaternion
ch3('m3'); // 3x3 Matrix
ch4('m4'); // 4x4 Matrix
chs('str'); // String
chramp('r', x); // Spline Ramp
vector(chramp('c', x)); // RGB Ramp
Global Variables
// Available in all SOP wrangles
f@Frame //The current floating frame number, equivalent to the $FF Hscript variable
f@Time //The current time in seconds, equivalent to the $T Hscript variable
i@SimFrame //The integer simulation timestep number ($SF), only present in DOP contexts.
f@SimTime //The simulation time in seconds ($ST), only present in DOP contexts.
f@TimeInc //The timestep currently being used for simulation or playback.
// Available in Attribute Wrangle (point, vertex, primitive and detail)
v@P //The position of the current element.
i@ptnum //The point number attached to the currently processed element.
i@vtxnum //The linear number of the currently processed vertex.
i@primnum //The primitive number attached to the currently processed element.
i@elemnum //The index number of the currently processed element.
i@numpt //The total number of points in the geometry.
i@numvtx //The number of vertices in the primitive of the currently processed element.
i@numprim //The total number of primitives in the geometry.
i@numelem //The total number of elements being processed.
// Available in Volume Wrangle
v@P //The position of the current voxel.
f@density //The value of the density field at the current voxel location.
v@center //The center of the current volume.
v@dPdx, v@dPdy, v@dPdz //These vectors store the change in P that occurs in the x, y, and z voxel indices.
i@ix, i@iy, i@iz //Voxel indices. For dense volumes (non-VDB) these range from 0 to resolution-1.
i@resx, i@resy, i@resz //The resolution of the current volume.
Common Geometry Attributes
// Int
@id // A unique number that remains the same throughout a simulation.
// Float
@pscale // Particle radius size. Uniform scale. Set display particles as 'Discs' to visualize.
@width // Thickness of curves. Enable 'Shade Open Curves In Viewport' on the object node to visualize.
@Alpha // Alpha transparency override. The viewport uses this to set the alpha of OpenGL geometry.
@Pw // Spline weight.
// Vector3
@P // Point position. Used this to lay out points in 3D space.
@Cd // Diffuse color override. The viewport uses this to color OpenGL geometry.
@N // Surface or curve normal. Houdini will compute the normal if this attribute does not exist.
@scale // Vector scale. Allows directional scaling or stretching (in one direction).
@rest // Used by procedural patterns and textures to stick on deforming and animated surfaces.
@up // Up vector. The up direction for local space, typically (0, 1, 0).
@uv // UV texture coordinates for this point/vertex.
@v // Point velocity. The direction and speed of movement in units per second.
// Vector4
@orient // The local orientation of the point (represented as a quaternion).
@rot // Additional rotation to be applied after orient, N, and up attributes.
// String
@name // A unique name identifying which primitives belong to which piece. Also used to label volumes.
@instance // Path of an object node to be instanced at render time.
Specifying VEX Data Types
float f@name // Floating point scalar values.
vector2 u@name // Two floating point values. Could be used to store 2D positions.
vector3 v@name // Three floating point values. Usually positions, directions, normals, UVW or colors.
vector4 p@name // Four floating point values. Usually rotation quaternions, or color and alpha (RGBA).
int i@name // Integer values (VEX uses 32 bit integers).
matrix2 2@name // Four floating point values representing a 2D rotation matrix.
matrix3 3@name // Nine floating point values representing a 3D rotation matrix or 2D transform matrix.
matrix 4@name // Sixteen floating point values representing a 3D transform matrix.
string s@name // A string of characters.
DOP Particle Attributes
f@age // Time in seconds since the particle was born.
f@life // Time in seconds the particle is allowed to live. When f@age>f@life, i@dead will be set to 1.
f@nage // Normalized age, f@age divided by f@life. Implicit attribute, you cannot write to this.
i@dead // Whether a particle is living (0) or dead (1). A dead particle is deleted in the Reaping stage.
i@id // A unique id for the particle that remains the same throughout a single simulation.
i@stopped // Whether a particle is moving (0) or stopped (1).
i@stuck // Whether a particle is free (0) or stuck (1).
i@sliding // Whether a particle is free (0) or sliding along a surface (1).
f@cling // Force applied to sliding particles inwards (according to the collision's surface normal).
s@pospath // The path to the object that the particle is colliding with.
i@posprim // Which collision primitive in the path geometry whose position we wish to refer to.
v@posuv // Parametric uv on the collision primitive.
i@hittotal // The cumulative total of all hits for the particle (only incremented once per timestep).
i@has_pprevious // This is set to 1 if v@pprevious contains valid values.
v@pprevious // Stores the position of the particle on the previous frame. Used for collision detection.
i@hitnum // The number of times the particle collided in the last POP Collision Detect.
s@hitpath // The path to the object that was hit. A path to a file on disk or an op: path.
i@hitprim // The primitive hit. Could be -1 if it the collision detector couldn’t figure out which prim.
v@hituv // The parametric UV space on the primitive.
v@hitpos // Where the hit actually occurred. Useful if the colliding object was moving.
v@hitnml // The normal of the surface at the time of the collision.
v@hitv // The velocity of the surface at the time of the collision.
f@hittime // When the collision occurred, that could be within a frame.
f@hitimpulse// Records how much of an impulse was needed for the collision resolution. varies with timestep.
f@bounce // When particles bounce off another object, this controls how much energy they keep.
f@bounceforward // Controls how much energy they keep in the tangential direction.
f@friction // When particles bounce, they are slowed down proportional to how hard they hit.
s@collisionignore // Objects that match this pattern will not be collided.
f@force // Forces on the particle for this frame.
f@mass // Inertia of the particle.
v@spinshape // This is multiplied by f@pscale to determine the shape of the particle for rotational inertia.
f@drag // How much the particle is effected by any wind effects.
f@dragexp // Ranges from 1 to 2, default is set on the solver. Used for both angular and linear drag.
v@dragshape // How much the particle is dragged in each of its local axes.
v@dragcenter// If specified, drag forces will also generate torques on the particle.
v@targetv // The local wind speed. Thought of as the goal, or target, velocity for the particle.
f@airresist // How important it is to match the wind speed. Thickness of the air.
f@speedmin // Minimum speed, in units per second, that a particle can move.
f@speedmax // Maximum speed, in units per second, that a particle can move.
p@orient // Orientation of the particle. Used for figuring out 'local' forces.
v@w // Angular speed of the particle. A vector giving the rotation axis.
v@torque // The equivalent of force for spins. No inertial tensor (the equivalent of mass) is supported.
v@targetw // The goal spin direction and speed for this particle.
f@spinresist// How important it is to match the targetw.
f@spinmin // Minimum speed in radians per second that a particle can spin.
f@spinmax // Maximum speed in radians per second that a particle can spin.
DOP Grains Attributes
i@ispbd // A value of 1 causes the particle to behave as grains.
f@pscale // Used to determine the radius of each particle.
f@repulsionweight // How much the particle collision forces are weighted.
f@repulsionstiffness// How strongly particles are kept apart. Higher values result in less bouncy repulsion.
f@attractionweight // How much the particles will naturally stick together when close.
f@attractionstiffness // How strongly nearby particles stick to each other.
v@targetP // Particles are constrained to this location.
f@targetweight // The weight of the v@targetP constraints.
f@targetstiffness // The stiffness with which particles are fixed to their v@targetP attribute.
f@restlength// Particles connected by polylines will be forced to maintain this distance (prim attribute).
f@constraintweight // Scale, on a per-particle basis of the constraint force.
f@constraintstiffness // This controls the stiffness on a per-particle basis.
f@strain // This primitive attribute records how much the constraint is stretched.
f@strength // If f@strain exceeds this primitive attribute, the constraint will be removed.
DOP Packed RBD Attributes
i@active // Specifies whether the object is able to react to other objects.
i@animated // Specifies whether the transform should be updated from its SOP geometry at each timestep.
i@deforming // Specifies whether the collision shape should be rebuilt from its SOP geometry each timestep.
f@bounce // The elasticity of the object.
i@bullet_add_impact // Impacts that occur during the sim will be recorded in the Impacts or Feedback data.
i@bullet_ignore // Specifies whether the object should be completely ignored by the Bullet solver.
f@bullet_angular_sleep_threshold// The sleeping threshold for the object’s angular velocity.
f@bullet_linear_sleep_threshold // The sleeping threshold for the object’s linear velocity.
i@bullet_want_deactivate// Disables simulation of a non-moving object until the object moves again.
i@computecom// Specifies whether the center of mass should be computed from the collision shape.
i@computemass // Specifies whether the mass should be computed from the collision shape and density.
f@creationtime // Stores the simulation time at which the object was created.
i@dead // Specifies whether the object should be deleted during the next solve.
f@density // The mass of an object is its volume times its density.
f@friction // The coefficient of friction of the object.
f@inertialtensorstiffness // Rotational stiffness. A scale factor applied to the inertial tensor.
i@inheritvelocity // v and w point attributes from the SOP geometry will override the initial velocity.
f@mass // The mass of the object.
s@name // A unique name for the object. Used by Constraint Networks.
p@orient// The orientation of the object.
v@P // The current position of the object’s center of mass.
v@pivot // The pivot that the orientation applies to. If i@computecom is non-zero, this is auto-computed.
v@v // Linear velocity of the object.
v@w // Angular velocity of the object, in radians per second.
i@bullet_adjust_geometry // Shrinks the collision geometry.
i@bullet_autofit // Use the bounds of the object for Box, Capsule, Cylinder, Sphere, or Plane.
f@bullet_collision_margin // Padding distance between collision shapes.
s@bullet_georep // Can be convexhull, concave, box, capsule, cylinder, compound, sphere, or plane.
i@bullet_groupconnected // Create convex hull per set of connected primitives.
f@bullet_length // The length of the Capsule or Cylinder collision shape in the Y direction.
v@bullet_primR // Orientation of the Box, Capsule, Cylinder, or Plane collision shape.
v@bullet_primS // Size of the Box collision shape.
v@bullet_primT // Position of the Box, Sphere, Capsule, Cylinder, or Plane collision shape.
f@bullet_radius // Radius of the Sphere, Capsule, or Cylinder collision shape.
f@bullet_shrink_amount // Specifies the amount of resizing done by Shrink Collision Geometry.
s@activationignore // Won't be activated by collisions with any objects that match this pattern.
s@collisiongroup // Specifies the name of a collision group that this object belongs to.
s@collisionignore // The object will not collide against any objects that match this pattern.
f@min_activation_impulse// Minimum impulse that will cause the object to switch from inactive to active.
f@speedmin // Minimum speed, in units per second, that a particle can move.
f@speedmax // Maximum speed, in units per second, that a particle can move.
f@spinmin // Minimum speed in radians per second that a particle can spin.
f@spinmax // Maximum speed in radians per second that a particle can spin.
f@accelmax // Limits the change in the object’s speed that is caused by enforcing constraints.
f@angaccelmax // Limits the change in the object’s angular speed that is caused by enforcing constraints.
f@airresist // Specifies how important it is to match the target velocity (v@targetv).
f@drag // How much the the v@targetv and f@airresist attributes effect the object.
f@dragexp // Ranges from 1 to 2, default is set on the solver. Used for both angular and linear drag.
v@force // Specifies a force that will be applied to the center of mass of the object.
f@spinresist// Specifies how important it is to match the target angular velocity (v@targetw).
v@targetv // Target velocity for the object. Used in combination with the f@airresist attribute.
v@targetw // Target angular velocity for the object. Used in combination with the f@spinresist attribute.
v@torque // Specifies a torque that will be applied to the object.
i@bullet_autofit_valid // Stores whether the solver has already computed collision shape attributes.
i@bullet_sleeping // Tracks whether the object has been put to sleep by the solver.
f@deactivation_time // Amount of time the speed has been below the Linear Threshold or Angular Threshold.
i@found_overlap // Used by the solver to determine whether it has performed the overlap test.
i@id // A unique identifier for the object.
i@nextid // Stores the i@id the solver will assign to the next new object.
DOP RBD Constraint Attributes
s@constraint_name // Specifies a piece of relationship data by name, such as 'Glue' or 'Spring'.
s@constraint_type // Specifies whether the constraint affects 'position', 'rotation' or 'all' degrees of freedom.
f@restlength // Specifies the desired length of the constraint to enforce.
f@width // Width of each edge.
f@density // Density of each point.
p@orient // Initial orientation of each point. Value stored as a quaternion.
v@v // Initial velocity of each point.
v@w // Initial angular velocity of each point measured in radians per second.
f@friction // Friction of each point.
f@klinear // Defines how strongly the wire resists stretching.
f@damplinear // Defines how strongly the wire resists oscillation due to stretching forces.
f@kangular // Defines how strongly the wire resists bending.
f@dampangular // Defines how strongly the wire resists oscillation due to bending forces.
f@targetstiffness // Defines how strongly the wire resists deforming from the animated position.
f@targetdamping // Defines how strongly the wire resists oscillation due to stretch forces.
f@normaldrag // The component of drag in the directions normal to the wire.
f@tangentdrag // The component of drag in the direction tangent to the wire.
i@nocollide // Collision detection for the edge is disabled (Only used if Collision Handling is SDF).
v@restP // Rest position of each point.
p@restorient // Rest orientation of each point.
i@gluetoanimation // Causes a point’s position and orientation to be constrained to the input geometry.
i@pintoanimation // Causes a point’s position to be constrained to the input geometry.
v@animationP // Target position of each point.
p@animationorient // Target orientation of each point.
v@animationv // Target velocity of each point.
v@animationw // Target angular velocity of each point.
i@independentcollisionallowed // Toggle external collisions (Only non-SDF Geometric Collision).
i@independentcollisionresolved // Unresolved external collisions (Only non-SDF Geometric Collision).
i@codependentcollisionallowed // Toggle soft body collisions (Only non-SDF Geometric Collision).
i@codependentcollisionresolved // Unresolved toggle soft body collisions (Only non-SDF Geometric Collision).
i@selfcollisionallowed // Toggle self collisions (Only non-SDF Geometric Collision).
i@selfcollisionresolved // Unresolved toggle self collisions (Only non-SDF Geometric Collision).
i@propagate_rate // Specifies how impulses from collisions spread across the Constraint Network.
i@propagationiterations // Specifies the number of impact propagation iterations for the glue bond.